Well, ok!! so my 'vision' wasn't quite what I thought it would be....try try again...now
I like this much better!!

My work area!! Let the project begin!! Black is good!

I have 4 grandsons that play foot ball. They range in age from 7 years old to 17 years old...
I had this vision of putting their pictures in frames and hanging them on my wall...Now that
I have them there I know I need something more...This is where you can help me. I'm not real
sure just what to put on my shelf...it's 12"x24" I could use some ideas please...also, I feel I need something more on my wall~~~~~Maybe vinyl...some sort of saying...I just can't seem to come
up with one! HELP!!!!!!!
sure just what to put on my shelf...it's 12"x24" I could use some ideas please...also, I feel I need something more on my wall~~~~~Maybe vinyl...some sort of saying...I just can't seem to come
up with one! HELP!!!!!!!
Did you decide what to put on the shelf? What did you end up doing with this wall, Lois? I love the frames and shelf!